Honored Alumni Awards 1995-2000

Fred Sweeney
Fred L. Sweeney graduated from Cuesta College in 1969 overcoming many barriers to achieve his dream of becoming an architect. Sweeney is a partner with one of the central coast’s oldest design firms, Phillips Metsch Sweeney Moore Architects with offices in Paso Robles and Santa Barbara.

Jim Brabeck
Jim Brabeck attended Cuesta College in the mid-1960s when he was appointed to general manager at Farm Supply Company and he realized then that he needed to learn more about how to run a business. Brabeck is involved in many community service projects, including Partnership for the Children of San Luis Obispo County, Hotline, San Luis Obispo County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Council, the UC Santa Barbara Economic Forecast Project and the Cal Poly School of Agriculture Advisory Council.

Dale Evers
Dale Evers attended Cuesta College from 1980 to 1982. He is an internationally recognized sculptor who has centered his work on sea life and preservation of the sea environment

Elizabeth Cooksey
Elizabeth B. Cooksey graduated from Cuesta College in 1974. She is a branch librarian at Skidaway Institute of Oceanography in Savannah, Georgia.

Paul Salopek
Paul F. Salopek graduated from Cuesta College in 1978. Salopek has been a Chicago Tribune foreign correspondent in Africa, the Balkans, Central Asia and more recently in Darfur. He won Pulitzer Prizes in 1998 for Explanatory Reporting for his coverage of the controversial Human Genome Diversity Project and in 2001 for International Reporting recognized his work in Africa, including his coverage of the civil war in Congo.

Glen Martin
Glen W. Martin graduated from Cuesta College in 1969 and was a state Alpha Gamma Sigma honor roll recipient. Martin attended University of California Santa Barbara where he earned his bachelor’s in English in 1972. He is a staff writer for the San Francisco Chronicle and recipient of many awards. Martin once said “[Cuesta] was bucolic education in the literal sense, combining free-ranging cattle with a solid grounding in the classics.”