The following information describes the relationships, roles, and responsibilities,
as well as the authority of San
Luis Obispo County Community College District (SLOCCCD) committees and stakeholder
groups. The SLOCCCD continuously works to improve campus leadership, its collegial
culture, and its
participatory governance structure and processes.
- Academic Senate (Welcome Letter)
- Integrated Planning Manual
- SLOCCCD Participatory Governance: Decision Making and Committee Handbook
- Ethics Statement (AP 3050: Institutional Code of Ethics)
- There are additional assignments required of each faculty member and you need to be aware of your requirements. Complete details are listed in the contract at
- Academic Senate - is an organization whose primary function is to make recommendations to Cuesta College Administration (Superintendent/President) and the Board of Trustees regarding academic and professional matters. The Academic Senate derives its authority from the California Code of Regulations, Title V. Section 53200 and Board Policy Number 2510.
- Temporary faculty with a teaching load of 40% and 60% will be paid for one office
hour per week
during each semester. Payment is based on the submission of a District timecard at the end of each
semester. - While part-timers are not required to serve, they are welcome to sit on college committees.
- Faculty members are required to be at their assigned work locations during each regular
day. - Provide instruction or services for the period of time determined by the contract.
- Provide scheduled office hours.
- Serve on assigned college committees or perform other approved service to the college
for five hours
per week. - Participate in activities of professional growth.
- Instructional faculty are also assigned a minimum of five on-campus office hours per week.