All students attending San Luis Obispo County Community College District at any campus site and when representing Cuesta College in any off-campus activity, assume an obligation to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner compatible with the Student Code of Conduct and Academic Honesty.  We know that many more students with mental health diagnoses and psychotropic medication needs are entering college, more students are accessing mental health services on campus, and more students are presenting with serious psychological issues than in years past. This sometimes presents a challenge for instructors and college personnel.

The Student Mental Health Program, collaborating intensively with the Office of the Vice President of Student Services, has developed a new Student Incident and Well-Being Concern Referral. It is our goal, through this new form, to allow reporting parties to describe not only Student Code of Conduct violations but also student mental well-being concerns with the hopes of getting students the help they may need sooner than later and preventing potential problems.

Psychological distress can also compromise students’ academic achievements affecting their ability to stay in school. As a staff and/or faculty member you are in a position to identify and offer resources to a student in need.

The At-Risk Online Interactive Trainings are designed for staff and faculty to learn techniques for identifying and approaching distressed students in order to take appropriate action, such as making a referral to the school personal counselor. The three available trainings are: At-Risk- for the general student (45 min.), Veterans on Campus (30 min.) and LGBTQ on Campus (30 min.). At-Risk Online Interactive Trainings are free, accessible from any computer with Internet access, and can be completed in about an hour. Training need not be completed in one session; simply logout to save your session and log back in to continue later.

Student Incident and Well-Being Concern Report form

College Resources Supporting Student Mental Health

Student in Crisis Quick Guide

Faculty Response Referral Grid

Student Standards of Conduct Board Policy 5500 

Interacting with Distressed Students Guide