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DATES: 1 Saturday: August 31, 2024

TIME: 10:00am - 1:00pm

FEE: $25

LOCATION: San Luis Obispo Campus Room 4028

INSTRUCTOR: Lauren Clark

QUESTIONS: Contact instructor at or 805-610-4328 

Meet the instructor
Lauren Clark Meet Lauren Clark, an advocate for sustainable living and a passionate fermentation enthusiast. Like many of us during the COVID-19 pandemic, Lauren’s hobbies took on a life of their own nurtured by time, energy, and time at home. During this time, she delved extensively into the biotic environments of sourdough starters and kombucha. Holding a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Earth and Soil Science from Cal Poly, Lauren brings a unique blend of academic expertise and hands-on experience to the table. Her extensive experience and research in natural resources has provided her with a profound understanding of the underlying processes within natural systems, enabling her to delve deeply into science-based practices. Excited to share her knowledge, Lauren is here to guide you in creating your own sourdough starters and kombucha.