Facilities Services
San Luis Obispo and North County Campus
Planning, Capital Projects, Measure L Bond,
Maintenance, Operations, and Grounds

Requesting a Key? Instructions and Key Request Form
Measure L $275M Bond - Bond construction and renovation projects
Employee | Service | Telephone | |
Mark Cano, Asst Director of Bond Projects | Measure L Bond | (805) 592-9450 | mark_cano@cuesta.edu |
Patrice Eley, Bond Fiscal Analyst | Measure L Bond | (805) 592-9847 | patrice_eley@cuesta.edu |
Vehicle Scheduling - Van and vehicle reservations
Employee | Service | Telephone | |
Thea Sullivan, Department Assistant | Vans & Vehicle Scheduling | (805) 592-9140 | thea_sullivan@cuesta.edu |
25Live Administrator - Room and event scheduling
Employee | Service | Telephone | |
Renee Metoyer, Special Events and Project Assistant | 25Live Administrator | (805) 592-9017 | renee_metoyer@cuesta.edu |
Compliance Coordinator
Employee | Service | Telephone | |
Michael Carroll, Compliance Coordinator |
Occupational Safety and |
805-592-9950 | michael_carroll1@cuesta.edu |
Facilities Maintenance
Employee | Service | Telephone | |
Robert "Bob" Richerson, Supervisor | Skilled Maintenance | (805) 592-9016 | robert_richerson@cuesta.edu |
Employee | Service | Telephone | |
Scott DeMello, Supervisor | Groundskeeping | (805) 592-9518 | sdemello@cuesta.edu |
Custodial Services
Employee | Service | Telephone | |
John Schmidt, Supervisor | Custodial Services | (805) 592-9340 | john_schmidt4@cuesta.edu |
Facilities Services Outcomes:
- Facilities Services will adequately maintain current building condition levels during shortfall and physical plant growth as assessed by the Facilities Condition Analysis Report.
- Facilities Services will maintain required cleaning levels in the learning and working environment as assessed by industry standards, health and safety regulations and staff surveys.
- Facilities Services will maintain grounds form and function as assessed by health and safety regulations and staff surveys.
- Facilities Services will continuously research and implement utility cost saving measures as assessed by audits.
- Facilities Services will maintain a current, well-maintained fleet of vehicles for use by District departments as assessed by audits and user surveys.
- Facilities Services will ensure safe and predictable equipment operations in area with specialized services as assessed by audits and safety records.
- Facilities Services will service and maintain a "Class A" fire detection system campus-wide as assessed by regulation audits.
- Facilities Services will ensure Health Code and safety compliance as assessed by regulation audits.
- Facilities Services will provide appropriate emergency response as assessed with emergency debriefings.
- Facilities Services will provide effective and timely telecommunication for the District as assessed by staff, student and community surveys.
- Facilities Services will ensure that purchases for capital outlay projects will be within budget and while meeting the needs of the facility's users as assessed by project fund audits and assessed by staff.
- Public Safety will provide and coordinate required, current, timely and effective safety training as assessed by audits and staff surveys.
Contact Michael Carroll, Compliance Coordinator, for information on Safety Compliance (x9950)
(used for filing District insurance claims)
The Property Damage Report is to be completed if property damage is significant enough
that a District insurance claim would be filed. Damage may include fire, significant
water intrusion, wind, hazardous materials, or accident involving a District vehicle,
among others. Procedure is to complete the report as thoroughly as possible and attach
photos, if available. All other incidences that are minor in nature are to be routed
through the District's work order ticketing system.
Property Damage Report (Internal SSO User)
Property Damage Report (External Non-Cuesta User)