Student Support Resolution Office

The Student Support Resolution Office works with students to connect them to appropriate resources that could benefit them to complete their educational and personal goals. Connecting with the Student Support Resolution Coordinator (SSRC) can be made via email, phone, or through Cuesta Connect. Some of the areas that the SSRC can support students with are:

  • Referring to institutional and community supports when it comes to financial, housing, food, employment, and acute care/mental health counseling resources;
  • Support facilitating communication between students and faculty;
  • Providing information and potential connections with academic counseling and tutorial support services;
  • Communicate the informal complaint process for students, so they can have their concerns addressed appropriately;
  • Information on time management, college success study tips, stress management, and life/study balance.

Students can request an introduction to programs they are interested in and the SSRC can accommodate for this. At times, the SSRC will follow up with students due to concerns raised by faculty/staff, which students should be made aware of prior, if possible. In these cases, the follow up is meant to be a check in and determine if students would like to be connected with specific supports.


Complaint Processes

Student Conduct Resolution Brochure (PDF)


Frequently Asked Questions (Academic Integrity, Code of Conduct, and Student Complaint Processes)


Other Resources

Board Policies and other General Information

AP 3430 - Prohibition of Harassment
BP 3433 - Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
AP 3433 - Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
AP 3434 - Responding to Harassment Based on Sex Under Title IX
BP 5530 - Student Complaint Resolution
AP 5530 - Student Complaint Resolution

For more information or to secure support/resources, please contact Student Services at