Evidence for Recommendation 2: Planning and Assessment 

Ev. 2.1:  EMP 2011-­‐2016

Ev. 2.2:  State-­‐wide Budget scenarios

Ev. 2.3:  Joint College Committee Presentations

Ev. 2.4:  President’s April 14th Presentation

Ev. 2.5:  Assessment Framework of 2006-­‐2011

Ev. 2.6:  2010-­‐2013 Strategic Plan monthly Updates

Ev. 2.7:  EMP-­‐SP connection

Ev. 2.8:  Strategic Planning Goals 2011-­‐2012

Ev. 2.9:  Strategic Plan Update

Ev. 2.10: Planning and Funding Allocation Model

Ev. 2.11: IPPR Template

Ev. 2.12: “Overview of IPPR Template”

Ev. 2.13: Planning and Funding Cycle for “Remodeling the Humanities Forum” Ev. 2.14: Planning and Budget, September 20, 2011

Ev. 2.15: Budget Reduction Presentation March 29th 

Ev. 2.16: Structural Deficit Proposal, April 12, 2011

Ev. 2.17: Budget Reduction Plan, May 11, 2011

Ev. 2.18: Budget Reduction Plan for Structural Deficit & 9.1% Reduction 2011-­‐2012 Ev. 2.19: May Revise 2011

Ev. 2.20: Final Budget 2011-­‐2012 September 7, 2011

Ev. 2.21: Chemistry APPW 2011-­‐2012

Ev. 2.22: Academic Support CPPR 2011

Ev. 2.23: Institutional Effectiveness Outcomes

Ev. 2. 24: Institutional Effectiveness Schedule

Ev. 2.25: College Council Agenda, August 23, 2011

Ev. 2.26: Institutional Research Website 


Evidence for Recommendation 6: Technology Resources

Ev. 6.1: Draft Technology Plan

Ev. 6.2: Annual Technology Plan and Review (ATPR)

Ev. 6.3: T-­‐Tab

Ev. 6.4: Draft Technology Plan

Ev. 6.5: SWOT Analysis

Ev. 6.6: Faculty Survey

Ev. 6.7: Integration, Technology Plan Goals, and EMP Core Principles

Ev. 6.8: Matrix Priority Ranking—Technology Items

Ev. 6.9: Planning and Budget minutes May

Ev. 6.10: College Planning and Budget Resource Allocation

Ev. 6.11: Minutes of Technology Committee Meetings, April and May 2011

Ev. 6.12: Integration of Technology Planning with Budget Planning and Allocation

Ev. 6.13: Planning and Budget minutes September 20, 2011

Ev. 6.14: List of Technology Projects for Planning and Budget

Ev. 6.15: Proposal for 6304 Renovation 

Ev. 6.16: May Technology Committee notes on Planning and Budget Project

Ev. 6.17: Prioritized List from Technology Committee

Ev. 6.18: Computer Services Memo, August 30, 2011

Ev. 6.19: Centralized Funding for Technology Explanation

Ev. 6.20: Technology Committee Presentation to Planning and Budget

Ev. 6.21: Planning and Budget minutes, May 19, 2011 45% MAA for Technology Ev. 6.22: Work Order 2095: to move data

Ev. 6.23: Legacy Agreement

Ev. 6.24: Screen Shot of Oracle Tables

Ev. 6.25: Screen Shot of ARGOs designer capacity

Ev. 6.26: List of Oracles Tables for Banner and Santa Rosa data


Evidence for Recommendation 7: Financial Planning and Stability

Ev. 7.1: Final Budget

Ev. 7.2: Fiscal Plan Draft

Ev. 7.3: T-­‐Tabs

Ev. 7.4: Integrated Planning Template-­‐New Facility Template

Ev. 7.5: Budget Reduction Plan for Structural Deficit

Ev. 7.6: District Funding Priorities 

Ev. 7.7: Budget Development Assumptions

Ev. 7.8: Budget Reduction Plan 2011-­‐2012

Ev. 7.9: 2011-­‐2012 Final Budget

Ev. 7.10: Credit Rating

Ev. 7.11: Debt Summary