San Luis Obispo County high school seniors are invited to come onto Cuesta College’s San Luis Obispo Campus and get a taste of college life during the college’s 4th Annual Promise Day. Set for Friday, October 20, from 9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., students will have the opportunity to tour the campus, learn about Career Technical Education and academic programs from faculty, discuss campus life with current students, and talk with admissions and financial aid representatives. Students will also receive information on scholarships, including the Cuesta Promise Scholarship, which guarantees a fee-free full year of college to all recently graduated San Luis Obispo County high school students.

“Each year, more and more high school seniors attend Promise Day – last year we had more than 700 students attend and we expect even more this year,” said Cuesta College Foundation Programs Coordinator Katie Nellesen.

Lunch, campus tours and giveaways will be included. In addition, dozens of college faculty members will showcase their programs via approximately 40 hands-on booths in areas like welding, construction, nursing, and more. For more information on this free event or to RSVP, contact your local high school, or the Cuesta College Advancement Office at (805) 546-3279, by October 10.

The 2018-19 application for the Cuesta Promise Scholarship – along with general college scholarships - is currently open. To apply, visit the scholarship application webpage.

The Cuesta Promise is the result of a private donation of more than $8 million to the Cuesta College Foundation from the Charles and Leeta Dovica Family Trust, who requested the funds be used for scholarships. The scholarship endowment, created in the fall of 2013, currently saves students an average of $1,400 in their first year at Cuesta College. A fundraising campaign is underway to fund a second year of the Promise.

Cuesta College also offers the Cambria Promise, an advancement of the Cuesta Promise that provides a second year fee-free to all recently graduated high school students of Coast Unified School District. The Cambria Promise is the result of a private donation of $20,000 to the Cuesta College Foundation in June of 2016.