Students and Faculty

Promise Day invites San Luis Obispo County high school seniors to our San Luis Obispo campus on Thursday Oct. 24, 2024. Students will have the opportunity to learn about Cuesta College's programs. Most importantly, attendees will learn about the Promise Scholarship, which guarantees two fee-free full years of college to all recently graduated high school students.


High schools interested in attending, contact us @ or 805-592-9030

or complete this form. 


Stay tuned! More details to come! 


The Cuesta Promise is the result of a private donation of more than $8 million to the Cuesta College Foundation from the Charles and Leeta Dovica Family Trust, who requested the funds be used for scholarships. The scholarship endowment, created in the fall of 2013, currently saves students an average of $1,400 in their first year at Cuesta College.