ESL and Adult Education
Foundational Studies
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Find the degree or certificate that matches your interest.
The degree flowchart gives a description, course map, career, and salary information. Specific requirements for each degree and certificate can be found under major courses.
Can't find what you're looking for? Visit the all degrees and certificates page.
Academic Skills Bridge To College Credit, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major CoursesCalifornia Conservation Awareness, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Employability & Transitions, Certificate of Completion
Contact Continuing Education Office
ESL Citizenship, Certificate of Competency
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
GED Preparation, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Hospitality Management Noncredit, Certificates of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Adobe Acrobat Tools, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Auto/Body Collision Repair, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Automotive Refinish Repair, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Basic Digital Imaging, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Basic Internet Skills, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Accounting Basics for Small Business, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Basic Mac Software Skills, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Basic Office Software Skills, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Beginning Computer Skills, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Beginning Mac Skills, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Career Strategist, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Computer and Device Fundamentals, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Computer Technician Internship Preparation, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Customer Relations, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Digital Design Software Basics for the Office, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Digital Maker, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Digital Printing: Newsletters and Magazines for the Office, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Effective Marketing Communication Management, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Emerging Leaders, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Enterprise Communication 1, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Enterprise Communication 2, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit ESL, Level I, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit ESL, Level II, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit ESL, Level III, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit ESL, Level IV, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit ESL, Level V, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit ESL, Listening and Speaking for English Speakers of Other Languages, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit ESL: Grammar, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Vocational ESL, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit ESL: Beginning Conversation, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Foster Youth Child Advocate, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Global Trends in Human Resources, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Green Documents for Business, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Harness the Cloud to Maximize Work Performance, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit High-Performance Teams, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Information Design for the Office, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Management Tool Box, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Managing to Maximize Performance, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Powerful Presentations, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Project Management, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Research Specialist, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Web Design for the Office, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Reading, Writing, and Grammar, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Windows Server Administration, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Sales Techniques, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Social Media For Business, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Strategic Marketing, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Thrive and Survive in the Workplace, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Workplace Essentials, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Secondary Education (Noncredit), Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Noncredit Structural Steel Certification, Certificate of Completion
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Transitions, Certificate of Competency
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
*Programs with an asterisk are those that can lead to immediate employment in the specified area of study.