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Please check SLO County Food Bank food locator for food resources throughout the county. 

Cougar Food Pantry


SLO Campus room 5104A in the cafeteria- Fall Hours 9AM-4:30PM Mon-Fri

North County Campus room N1005- Fall Hours 9AM-5PM Mon-Fri

To be eligible for our services, students must be currently enrolled and sign in/out with their student ID number.

We have a variety of food available including snacks (fruit cups, granola bars, snack nuts, and more) and meal components (soup cups, pasta, bread, canned vegetables). Students can take up to two separate items per day, so that we have plenty for everyone. 

Please email basicneeds@cuesta.edu  with questions. 



The Cougar Pantry is able to take monetary donations through the Cuesta Foundation.  


Additional Resources

The Basic Needs Center can provide additional information on campus assistance regarding CalFresh food assistance enrollment.  The office is located in room 5104B (SLO) and room N1005 (NCC).

Could you use extra money to buy groceries? CalFresh, formerly known as Food Stamps, is a free nutrition assistance program that gives an average of $271 per month to eligible students to help buy groceries! CalFresh dollars come to you in the form of an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card which looks similar to a debit card and can be used at many grocery stores and farmers’ markets. Find out your eligibility and apply for CalFresh today by visiting BenefitsCal.

Please check SLO County Food Bank for updates on food resource availability in your neighborhood or call 805-238-4664.

Cuesta also hosts a monthly SLO County Food Bank distribution. Find out more information about the distribution here.

Jack DePuy, Basic Needs Coordinator
