Wellness Support

Think Hopeful Wellness Program- Free and Confidential
Cuesta College Health Center is partnering with Think Hopeful, Inc. to provide a one of a kind wellness and mental health program. Here is your chance in getting access to personalized wellness. The Program offers students with science backed mental wellness material, anonymous connection with college students to interact, 1:1 dedicated coaching, Wellness Groups - and services are available during after-hours and weekends too!
Topics: stress, anxiety, relationships, nutrition, finances, general wellness.
There are no deadlines for registration since this will be an ongoing service. Students can register any time by emailing: Admin@ThinkHopeful.com.
Think Hopeful’s Wellness Program FAQs
Form more information please email studenthealthcenter@cuesta.edu or Admin@ThinkHopeful.com
To determine if you or someone you care about should connect with a behavioral health professional, we encourage students taking a brief screening online: By taking a brief MindWise Screening, students can learn if they have a behavioral health issue and learn signs and symptoms. Immediately following the brief questionnaire, you will see your results, recommendations, and key resources.
Click to Open Campus Well Magazine
Cuesta Campus Well is one of the ways that we are working to enhance Cuesta College’s culture of wellness. Campus Well is a FREE, online magazine covering a variety of college health issues including stress, sleep, nutrition, alcohol, safe sex, colds, flu, and more. we believe that the health and wellness of our students is the foundation for academic and life-long success. Our features provide students evidence-based approaches to positively influencing health, wellness, productivity, motivation, and more.
Your health and wellness are important and connected to your ability to succeed as a student. Wellness Central is a free online health and wellness resource that is available 24/7 on your Canvas. Your space at your pace. Click to access Wellness Central on Canvas.
NEAT (Nutrition Education Action Team)
Students can meet with a peer educator to learn about nutrition, discuss their personalized diet analysis, and set positive lifestyle and nutritional goals such as nutrition for athletics, fitness, weight changes, or just to get a few ideas for SMART changes after discussing their diet analysis.
Click to complete your paper work no later than 48 hours before your appointment.
Each session is 30-60 minutes, confidential, fun, and free for enrolled Cuesta students!.
In-person and Zoom appointments available: Mondays and Thursdays from 10:30 am to 3 pm
Call (805) 546-3171 or email studenthealthcenter@cuesta.edu to schedule your consultation today.
Setting goals can be a great way to challenge yourself to make healthy lifestyle changes. Set yourself up for success by making your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely.
All of our Nutrition peer educators have completed the full weekend Cal Poly Bacchus peer education training certification, the Cuesta College Mental Health Training, 3 Nutrition courses, an Independent Study course with me, and an international nutrition conference. They use the Esha Research Nutrition Calc Diet Analysis Software, which is more detailed and meaningful than current free Apps.
Cuesta Wellness Program:
The Cuesta College Wellness Program’s purpose is to support the wellness of all employees and students. Our Wellness Program helps build community, bringing students and employees together for food and fun, and promotes health, optimizing academic and job performance.
Win Wellness Prizes!
Read monthly “Cuesta Wellness Program” email from research@cuesta.edu sent the first week of September, October, November, February, March, April. View details in the Wellness Events Calendar
Enjoy 1+ Wellness activity in each of the three Wellness Program areas
Fitness- Example: Walked around campus
Food- Example: Enjoyed a fresh fruit
Expression- Example: Went to an art exhibit with a friend
Enter to win a prize!
Click survey link in Wellness email to log Wellness activities.
Entry into the survey link are due by end of full month’s third week
Nutrition Resources: Food & Nutrition
For more information contact: Elisabeth DeSwart, MS RD- Wellness Chair & Nutrition Instructor elisabeth_deswart@cuesta.edu
or follow on social media at Cuesta College Employee Wellness
The Wellness Kits include items and information to learn and practice some healthy habits that will help you succeed as a college student and improve your overall well-being. The kits are free to students and available upon request. Please email studenthealthcenter@cuesta.edu to separate your kit or ask a librarian on your campus.
Sweet Dreams: Improve your sleeping habits
- Sleep mask
- Ear plugs
- Relaxing tea
- Shower steamer
- Information and strategies to improve your sleeping habits
- Breathing exercises
Shake It Off: Your guide to release tension and stress
You can’t avoid stress, but you can stop it from becoming overwhelming by practicing some daily strategies.
- Mini squeeze pop bubble or stress ball
- Guided meditation
- Tea bag
- Play-Doh
- Strategies and tips to release tension and stress
Love Yourself: Self-Care Kit
- Sunscreen
- Lip balm
- Organic vitamin C lollipop
- Hand sanitizer
- Nail file
Follow us on Cuesta Student Health Services on Facebook and Cuesta Student Health Center Instagram
to find more information: Studenthealthcenter@cuesta.edu