Priority Registration
Continuing Cuesta students must complete a Comprehensive Student Education Plan (SEP) prior to reaching 15 credits at Cuesta to maintain priority to register.
The Student Success and Support Program (3SP) Act, passed in 2012, grants early enrollment priority as follows:
New, Transfer, and Returning (sat out one term) Students
To be eligible for early enrollment priority, new, transfer, and returning students must complete the online orientation with an Abbreviated Student Education Plan (SEP) All activities must be completed to qualify for priority registration even if a student is exempt for having earned a higher degree.
Continuing Students
Prior to completing 15 credits at Cuesta, continuing students must complete a Comprehensive Student Education Plan (CSEP) to be eligible for priority to register.
What do you need to do? |
New, Transfer, Returning Students |
Continuing Students |
Loss of Priority Registration |
What's your priority date to register?
Students may view their priority (time-ticket) date/time to register in myCuesta when the Class Finder becomes available on the Registration web page. Login to myCuesta, go to Student Self Service then click on Prepare for Registration. Select term and then view all three tabs: 1) Priority Registration Status, 2) Important Information, and 3) Registration Status for important information and steps that may need completion.
Some special considerations
Eligible students in the following programs will receive the highest priority to register
as long as you meet program requirements and complete an Abbreviated SEP (new/transfer
students) and Comprehensive SEP once you have earned
15 Cuesta credits:
- Any member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States, and who is a resident of California, who has received an honorable discharge, a general discharge, or an other than honorable discharge, and to any member or former member of the State Military Reserve, for any academic term attended at one of the California State University, California Community Colleges or University of California for four academic years after he/she has left state or federal active duty, which he/she shall use within 15 years of leaving state or federal active duty, as established by Education Code 66025.8. (Veterans Services)
- California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKS), as established by Education Code 66025.92.
- Disability Support Programs & Services (DSPS) and Tribal TANF recipients
- Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)
- Foster youth and former foster youth in California whose dependency was established or continued by the court on or after the youth’s 16th birthday and who is no older than 25 years of age at the commencement of the academic year. Foster youth must complete the matriculation process (Orientation and SEP) in order to receive an early priority to register. This includes foster youth who are enrolled as special part-time students (Enrichment), as established by Education Code 66025.9. Eligible Foster Youth will retain priority even if placed on Dismissal or if 100 degree-applicable credits are completed at Cuesta.
- Homeless Youth, under 25 years of age, who has been verified during the 24 months immediately preceding the receipt of his or her admission application, as defined in subsection (2) of Section 725 of the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11434a(2)).
Withholding of Registration Privileges
Students or former students who have been provided written notice that they have not paid a proper financial obligation shall have registration privileges withheld. The college will work to provide support funds for students who have a hardship paying outstanding fees. This provision will be contingent on the availability of funding.
Reinstate Priority
Students may Petition to Reinstate Enrollment Priority one-time only based on the circumstances provided on the petition with supporting documentation, which are:
- Verifiable extenuating circumstances due to an accident, illness, or other circumstances beyond student's control.
- Applied for DSPS and did not receive reasonable accommodation in a timely manner.
- Demonstrated significant satisfactory academic improvement by earning at least a 2.5 GPA in at least 6 academic credits in a subsequent term, but term GPA not high enough to move into good standing.
- Enrolled in a high credit program with 38 or more credits required in the major and following a current SEP but have 100 credits or more degree-applicable semester credits at Cuesta College.
- Previously received military orders compelling a withdrawal and with to have enrollment priority reinstated.