Register Online

DATES: 1 Saturday: March 4, 2023

TIME: 9:00am - 4:00pm

FEE: $50

LOCATION: 75 Acres Field Hut, 3535 Education Drive


INSTRUCTOR: Robert Rutherford & Matthew Shapero

QUESTIONS: Contact Shelly Ingram or 628-888-4012

Meet the instructor

Robert Rutherford

Robert Rutherford is a Holistic Management Certified Educator and a graduate of UC Davis with a Bachelor of Science and Standard Secondary Teaching Credential for Ag Education and a Master of Science in Agriculture at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly). Rob retired after serving for 39 years as a Professor of Animal Science at Cal Poly. Within that position, as well as teaching and advising students, he was charged with managing the sheep operations on campus, which entails grazing management in order to enhance resource function and productivity.

Matthew Shapero

Matthew Shapero, currently works for University of California Cooperative Extension as the Area Livestock & Range advisor serving Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. In this position, he works on a variety of issues including on-ranch strategies for improved livestock grazing; wildland fuels management using prescribed fire, targeted grazing, and other practices; land and water use policy; and livestock herd health. He has been certified as a Certified Rangeland Manager with the California-Pacific Section of the Society for Range Management and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Mr. Shapero earned his M.S. in Range Management from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2016.