Learn Spanish Fast - Beginning 1
This class is open to anyone who has never taken Spanish before or to those who have taken some Spanish classes and are unable to speak yet. This class will promote your Spanish fluency. This class is FUN and you will begin your Spanish journey and be Learning Spanish Fast! It is recommended that students take Beginning I & Beginning II to attain a minimum level of fluency.
CLASS SCHEDULE: Subject to Change: Due to their very nature, our classes are “subject to change”. Class change notices will be sent via email to the email address on file. Please check your email OR check class status at the Community Programs website before your scheduled class.
Students will need to purchase the REQUIRED paperback novel, POBRE ANA, $9+ shipping & an audiobook subscription. Click HERE to purchase book.
Required paperback book $9: Pobre Ana Spanish Reader
First, click here LSF website and purchase the audiobook under CLASSES.
Second, click here Register your Audiobook subscription to gain access to Pobre Ana Present Tense Audiobook.
Class materials: inexpensive erasable whiteboard & marker, set of colored highlighters, and Post-it-Notes. Students will need to have a free Gmail account if they do not already have one: CLICK HERE to get a FREE Gmail Account
NOTE* The instructor will email you a Welcome Letter, with Zoom code, & the Class Curriculum Sunday night before your class begins, look for it then PRINT if before the first class
Register Online
DATES: 7 Thursdays: Feb 27 - April 10, 2025
TIME: 5:30 - 7:00pm
FEE: $139
MODE OF DELIVERY: Live Remote Instruction - Zoom
INSTRUCTOR: Linda Ward - www.learnspanishfasthoy.com
QUESTIONS: Contact instructor at lbspanish@yahoo.com
Meet the instructor | |
Linda Ward | My students have FUN while reading, writing, & speaking Spanish after just two courses! Really! As a highly trained expert in a new language methodology called TPRS (Teaching language Proficiency through Reading & Storytelling) I teach Spanish the same way you speak your first language-with comprehensible compelling repetitive input! This is NOT your high school Spanish class. |