Social and Behavioral Sciences and Human Services
People, Culture, and Society
Find the degree or certificate that matches your interest.
The degree flowchart gives a description, course map, career, and salary information. Specific requirements for each degree and certificate can be found under major courses.
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*Administration of Justice, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart| Major Courses
*Criminal Justice, Associate in Arts
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
*Addiction Treatment Studies, Associate in Arts
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Anthropology, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Human Services, Associate in Arts
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Global Studies, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
History, Associate in Arts
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
History, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Law, Public Policy & Society, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Social Justice Studies, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Social Work/Human Services, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Philosophy, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Political Science, Associate in Arts
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Political Science, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Psychology, Associate in Arts
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Psychology, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Sociology, Associate in Arts
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Sociology, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Liberal Arts: Social and Behavioral Sciences, Associate in Arts
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
Child and Adolescent Development, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Child Development/Early Childhood Education, Associate in Arts
Early Childhood Education, Associate in Science for Transfer
Economics, Associate in Arts for Transfer
English, Associate in Arts for Transfer
Legal Studies Social Sciences Option, Associate in Art
*Programs with an asterisk are those that can lead to immediate employment in the specified area of study.
Addiction Studies Foundation, Certificate of Achievement
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
*Addiction Treatment Studies, Certificate of Achievement
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
*Paraprofessional Counseling Skills, Certificate of Achievement
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
*Parenting Education/Family Coach, Certificate of Achievement
Degree Flowchart | Major Courses
*Programs with an asterisk are those that can lead to immediate employment in the specified area of study.